Showing posts with label brilliant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brilliant. Show all posts
40 Brilliant Furniture Makeover Ideas To Try In 2016

40 Brilliant Furniture Makeover Ideas To Try In 2016

We buy furniture as an investment assuming that they will lost forever and in many instances, our furniture does last a long time. But in many instances, we find ourselves wanting to change our furniture when we are changing the décor of the home and this could mean that the furniture has to be replaced. In some instances, the furniture may wear out due to long and constant usage or even due to the weather conditions. In such a situation, you may feel bad about getting rid of the furniture because you had invested quite a bit on your furniture. If you are in such a situation, then our article will please you because we are talking about furniture makeovers. This means you can use the complete furniture or parts of it to make something new. It could be something as simple as art projects to develop and perfect the skill by doing art on furniture.

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40 Unique And Brilliant Subtle Tattoo Designs

40 Unique And Brilliant Subtle Tattoo Designs

A tattoo design need not always be in your face and even as we finish putting down these thoughts we can almost hear our gasp. This is because through the ages, tattoos have been considered a form of rebellion and no rebellion can be subtle. The fact is that tattoos were considered obvious and in your face during the era when only unsavory people in the society would get tattoos. It would include gangsters and other such underworld characters who used to revel in tattoos. But that is not the case today with the most respectable and leading citizens like celebrities and even spiritual leaders have started getting tattoos. That is why you can believe that there could be some unique and brilliant subtle tattoo designs that you could get if you wanted to do so. There are stimulating written tattoos for women and this could be a way to go.

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Brilliant Abstract Portraits by Henrietta Harris

Brilliant Abstract Portraits by Henrietta Harris

Artist Henrietta Harris, who lives in New-Zealand, continues to impress us with her paintings and portraits. Since her series Missing Faces which we talked about on Fubiz, she keeps exploring the asperities of her model’s faces and identities. In this selection, she makes them abstract through their erased features by paint and faces that seem to vanish.

Brilliant And Bright Ballpoint Pen Art

Brilliant And Bright Ballpoint Pen Art

We are sure that most of you have used a ballpoint pen at some time or the other. It is something that we do without giving a thought to it but we all appreciate the convenience of it even if we don’t go around mentioning it. In the normal sense, art is considered to have a difficulty aspect to it given that an artist has to possess the skill as well as the creativity to create the work of art. The skill to use the paintbrush or the chisel or the pencil or any other means that is used to create the art. What if we were to tell you that now the humble and convenient ballpoint pen is also being used to create art? Today technology and techniques have developed so much that artists can opt out for the easier medium when they feel they need it. for instance, tattoo artists can go for genius metallic tattoos to have when a person is not sure about getting a permanent tattoo but merely wants to try one.

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